They call me Obi-Wan

I have been in this place for a long time. I remember the day I came here. I was scared and it smelled funny. I spent a lot of time sniffing things and marking them with my scent glands so they would know they belong to me. I jumped on things. I jumped off them. I scratched. I sniffed. I licked everything; I really like to lick things.

I wasn’t always here. Before I was here my girlfriend and I were in a box with small holes. Grass grew through the bottom of the box and the walls were shiny and cold. Small humans would come and grab us and we didn’t like it. They gave us lots of those tasty crunchy nibbles that my new humans call ‘pellets’ or ‘treats’ but they didn’t give us much else. My girlfriend started getting very cranky. She was digging lots and she started getting a big belly.

One day the big humans took us out of the box, and took us to a new place. They left us in that place. It was outside and we had to find our own food. Sometimes the cats would try to catch us, but we were good hiders so they didn’t find us.

Then, as we hopped along the street we saw some humans who looked like they had some tasty treats. I hopped over to the humans and licked their hands. They gave me strawberries. It was good. They went to pick up my girlfriend and she ran away so fast. I never saw her again.

They picked me up – I don’t like being picked up – and they walked around the town talking to other humans. I was scared. I didn’t want to go back to the box with holes and the rough small humans and I don’t like being carried… I was not sure about these new humans.

Eventually they took me to their burrow. It was very big, with lots of burrows inside which lead to other burrows. There were lots of humans there, some who visited every time the sun came up and some who only visited one or two times. I think some of the people were sad because they cried… so I let them rub my head to feel better. When they pet me they would smile. They gave me strawberries.

After a long time in the big burrow with many burrows, I had to go into a very small box which was put inside a different burrow. This one was bad. It moved quickly, it was shaky and it was loud too. I felt like I was in that shaky loud box for so long…

Once I got out of the box I was in a new burrow. It was smaller than the last one, but much bigger than the first one, and the floors were slippery. My new humans were there, and they gave me strawberries, so I let them rub my head and I licked their hands.

I like my new burrow but I miss my girlfriend. Where ever she is, I hope she is as happy as I am.

– Obi.

Image by lulu__mack

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